Nils Lofgren dziękuje

Kat.: Wiadomości Utw.: 29.06.2011 Wojciech Markos Markiewicz E-mail
Nils Lofgren. fot. Joseph Quever
Nils Lofgren. fot. Joseph Quever

W kilka dni po uroczystościach pogrzebowych Clarence Clemonsa, Nils Lofgren zamieścił na swojej stronie podziękowania za życzenia urodzinowe i kondolencje w związku ze śmiercią Big Mana.  

26 czerwca 2011 

Hello everyone at the listerve, Facebook, Myspace, etc. – Hope you're all in good health and spirits.  I want to thank all of you for so many kind birthday wishes, and condolences for the loss of my dear friend and bandmate, Clarence. As you can imagine, Clarence's passing is a crushing, devastating loss.  He has been a beautiful, dear friend to Amy and I, and a vast community of people through his music and his spirit.  I will always treasure and honor that gift and memories of all the times and adventures we had together, on and off stage. Thank you all so much for the genuine love and support you continue to share with all of us.

I am off to sing and play for you again and hope to see many of you on the musical road.  God bless you all and may God bless and keep our dear friend and brother in music, Clarence "Big Man" Clemons.  We will always love you "C" !!

Peace and Believe. - Nils

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