60. urodziny Bossa

Kat.: Wiadomości Utw.: 23.09.2009 Markos E-mail
fot. Danny Clinch
fot. Danny Clinch

23 września - urodziny obchodzi Bruce Springsteen. Happy birthday from Poland! Wszystkiego najlepszego!



And now, for Bruce from Natalka…

Hi Chief!
All the best wishes: always be in good health, have a joy doing Your job, just don't worry, be happy! Be so fantastic man, as You've always been, bring us so much happiness as You've always brought.
Thanks for everything You've done for this world, for giving a great example of being big, famous rocker and a normal man, for taking us away from our problems straight to Land of Hope and Dreams, for being as fantastic, songwriter, composer guitarist, singer,....harp player, pianist...what else? Man, how it's possible You're so talented? Are You real? We love you as a musician and as a human. I hope one day I'll be at least a little bite kind of musician like You, I'll try. And I wanna thank You for St Louis, Munich and Vienna:)

And remember, Poles love You... and have your vow at the paper :), You're always invited to our country, so if there's any possibility of coming here, think about it, if there's none, I'll see Ya anyway :)

So, happy 30s, right? 
I wish You plenty of Love, Hope, Happiness, Faith & Strenght!
Have a nice birthday evening, Greetings for You, Your family and friends.
Sto lat!

Dread headed Natka
Blood Brothers Poland
PS. If there's any chance You'll read it - I'm happy:)
PS.2 Sorry for my English, I'm a learner, but one day I'll write a song for You, and maybe You'll hear it somewhere, somehow. maybe I could now, but in Polish, so I'm not sure if You would understand.

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